BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:3rd International Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine UID:1195 DESCRIPTION:Spectrum Conferences cordially invites you to its 3rd International Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine (ISPHPM2025), a premier event focusing on the latest developments in the field of public health and preventive medicine which is going to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands during May 22-24, 2025.\n\nThe ISPHPM conference had a successful run in Brussels in May 2023, followed by another triumphant event in Prague on May 27-28, 2024. Both conferences featured stellar speakers and achieved great success. Looking ahead to 2025, we will once again unite healthcare professionals, researchers, and experts worldwide to explore the latest advancements in public health.\n\nJoin us at this highly anticipated event that promises a unique learning experience!\n\n DTSTART:20250522T080000Z DTEND:20250524T170000Z LOCATION:Amsterdam, Netherlands END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR