BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:International Meet & Expo on Environmental Science & Applications UID:1196 DESCRIPTION:We are elated to announce the much-anticipated International Meet & Expo on Environmental Science & Applications, a revolutionary event slated to take place in Dubai, UAE from February 13-15, 2025.\n\nThe event's overarching aim, to set the stage for a dynamic and insightful congress. ENVIRONMEET2025 stands out as a premier interdisciplinary platform that brings together a diverse spectrum of professionals, including scientists, researchers, nanotechnologists, chemists, physicists, healthcare professionals, pharmacists, clinicians, practitioners, industry leaders, and educators. The convergence of these varied perspectives is intended to spark discussions, catalyze collaborations and push the boundaries of knowledge in Environmental Science & Applications\n\nParticipants can anticipate a deep dive into the latest innovations, robust discussions on emerging trends, problem-solving sessions addressing practical challenges and exploration of cutting-edge solutions within the expansive field of Environmental Science & Applications.\n\n DTSTART:20250213T090000Z DTEND:20250215T180000Z LOCATION:Dubai, UAE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR