BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:2025 Advanced Coloproctology Course #ACC2025 UID:1243 DESCRIPTION:ACPGBI 2025 Flagship Educational EventREGISTER HEREThis course has been running successfully for more than 30 years, and it will be the 5th year of delivering the course in its virtual format. Being able to deliver the course online is important to us as it opens up the course to a wider audience – consultants, trainees, and allied healthcare professionals, both in the UK and overseas.\n\nWelcome to the Tripartite organisations!\n\nFor 2025, in the year of the Paris Tripartite meeting, the course extends its reach to welcome the Presidents of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, the Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand, the European Society of Coloproctology and the Royal Society of Medicine Coloproctology Section. We are looking forward to an exciting global event!\n\nThe ACPGBI Advanced Coloproctology Course is well known for its professionally produced, high quality educational content. The course provides clinical updates for colorectal and general surgeons at all levels, including providing comprehensive revision for surgical residents sitting the FRCS examination. The live streamed clinical content covers reviews and updates of conditions seen in every day practice as well as less commonly encountered clinical areas. Whilst the focus remains on colorectal surgery, there is content that will be valuable for all general surgeons with content on areas such as emergency surgery, perioperative care and the abdominal wall. The course provides external CPD points and evidence of CPD across multiple areas of practice as required as part of the appraisal and revalidation processes.\n\nExpert faculty\n\nThe diverse faculty have been carefully selected to deliver concise, expert talks on their subjects, including links to the latest evidence, videos and tips and tricks for practical procedures. In addition to the presentations, the panel discussions during each session allow further in depth debate and discussion.\n\nInteractive and On Demand\n\nVirtual functionality provides all members of the audience the opportunity to take part in polls and ask questions of the panel via our chairs. Our experienced team of moderators review audience questions in real time and add website links and research evidence to the online platform to support further reading. The virtual format also allows us to deliver the content “on-demand” for several months after the course for those wishing to watch it at their convenience. All attendees also receive access to the virtual abstract book, with abstracts of each talk provided by all our speakers.\n\nMapped to the FRCS curriculum\n\nThe course offers exceptional value both in its low cost to its audience and its time efficient covering of the FRCS syllabus over the course of each 3-year cycle. The content is mapped to the FRCS curriculum and the 2 days start with real time viva sessions and feedback for volunteers preparing for the FRCS section 2. Out of consideration for those volunteering for the viva workshops we do not record or make those sessions available “on demand”.\n\nRegistration free to Lower Income Countries and to Medical Students\n\nREGISTER HEREDownload the programme DTSTART:20250326T214600Z DTEND:20250327T214600Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR