BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Decision making in complex polyp management UID:1308 DESCRIPTION:Overview\n\nThis interactive webinar delivered by experts in advanced endoscopy is looking specifically at the management of complex colorectal polyps. Case-based presentations will be delivered by our speakers from both a surgical and gastroenterology perspective. The panel will discuss the management of the cases and the audience will have an opportunity to engage in the discussion. The session is ideal for higher surgical trainees looking to sit the FRCS examination.\n\nAims\n\nAn understanding of the management of complex polyps requiring advanced endoscopy techniques such as EMR/ESDAn understanding of the management pathways of complex polypsAn overview and understanding of guidelines specific to colorectal polyps.Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this webinar, attendees should have:An understanding of treatment options for complex colorectal polypsAn understanding of when to refer to an advanced endoscopistAcquired the knowledge on colorectal polyps relevant for the FRCS examinationPanellists\n\nOur panellists include:\n\nMr Amyn Haji - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Kings College Hospital. Mr Haji trained in advanced endoscopy techniques at Showa University, Japan and leads the endoscopy tertiary referral service of endoscopic resection of GI polyps at Kings College Hospital.\n \n\nDr John Anderson - Consultant Gasteroenteroligist, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust. Dr Anderson has over 25 years in advanced endoscopy. He was previously the National Endoscopy Training lead and was the founder of the on-line endoscopy learning platform, GIEQS.\n\nMr Andrew Emmanuel - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, Kings College Hospital. Mr Emmanuel is a colorectal consultant with an interest and expertise in advanced polypectomy techniques.\n\nMrs Katie Yeadon - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, North Devon District Hospital. Mrs Yeadon is chair of the ACPGBI endoscopy subcommittee and is the SW regional specialist professional advisor in general surgery for the RCS England.\n\n DTSTART:20250205T190000Z DTEND:20250205T200000Z LOCATION:Webinar END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR