BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:EYCN and Research Committee: Connections and Collaborations event UID:1317 DESCRIPTION:Research Session 0830-0930 Interview practice 0930-1000 Arrival, refreshments, networking 1000-1010 Introduction & plan for the day\n Elaine Burns Chair, R&A Abhilasha Patel Chair, EYCN 1010-1030 How I Did It?\n (TBC) 1030-1220\n (20 minute\n coffee break) The Changing Landscape: Surviving the NHS as an institution\n (TBC)\n\n Staying Curious: How to be an effective researcher\n Dale Vimalachandran\n\n Keeping Out of Trouble! Navigating the medicolegal aspects\n Carolynne Vaizey\n\n Becoming Know: How to raise your external profile and building networks\n (TBC)\n\n Staying Focussed: Mastering the art of balancing it all\n Julie Cornish\n\n Q and A\n\n 1220-1235 GIRFT and QI Research Opportunities\n Mark Cheetham GIRFT colorectal lead 1235-1250 How to Get Rich and Famous: Succeeding in Research\n Tom Pinkney 1250-1340 Lunch 1340-1350 Knowing Yourself: The psychological profiling of surgeons\n Carly Bisset, Associate Speciality Lead 1350-1500 "When it all goes to shit!"  Literally and metaphorically\n Kirsten Boyle\n\n 1500-1515 Tea/Coffee break 1515-1530 Flourishing as an Early Years Consultan: How the EYCN mentorship programme can support you\n Sree Mallapa\n Osman Chaudhary\n\n 1530-1620 Round Table Discussion \n\n Research\n\n How to set up a trial How to get through ethics Multicentre cohort trials EYCN\n\n Career planning Job planning and appraisal Private practice Fireside chat: Meet the research experts and EYCN mentors\n\n 1620-1630 Close  \n\n \n\n8 May 6 pm onwards : Dinner and entertainment with EYCN\n\n9 May 8 am-5 pm: Infomative talks and Networking\n\nOvernight accommodation available on 8 May:\n\nACPGBI exclusive rate available so book your room early to avoid disappointment.\n\n£30 refundable deposit required to secure your place at the meeting\n\n DTSTART:20250508T160400Z DTEND:20250509T160400Z LOCATION:Whittlebury Park Hotel, Northamptonshire END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR