BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Parastomal Study Days UID:1329 DESCRIPTION:In association with British Hernia Society and the Association of Coloproctology Great Britain and Ireland\n\nDo you have a parastomal hernia and would like to know more about the condition?Are you a stoma care nurse specialist who would like to know what to advise your patients?Are you a surgeon who would like to learn the latest about management, prevention and surgery for parastomal hernia including tips and tricks from international surgical experts.This event brings together patients, stoma care specialists, and surgeons to advance knowledge and collaboration in parastomal hernia care. With a focus on the latest surgical techniques, practical advice, and shared experiences, our aim is to improve outcomes and enhance the quality of care.\n\nBehind this initiative is a dedicated team committed to fostering learning and innovation through multidisciplinary cooperation. Together, we can make a real difference for those affected by parastomal hernias.\n\nThis is the first time that a study day has been arranged for everyone impacted by parastomal hernia; patients, surgeons and stoma care nurse specialists. It is a unique opportunity to learn together, to help improve outcomes for patients, and to help clinicians improve how they manage discussions about parastomal hernia management with their patients. Join us for what promises to be a fantastic day.\n\n DTSTART:20250424T094700Z DTEND:20250425T094700Z LOCATION:The Bridgewater Hall, Lower Mosley St, Manchester M2 3WS END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR