BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Understanding and Managing Bowel Dysfunction after Rectal Cancer Surgery UID:1345 DESCRIPTION:\n\nThe Pelican LARS Workshop: Understanding and Managing Bowel Dysfunction after Rectal Cancer Surgery One day workshop on Wednesday 30th April at Pelican Cancer Foundation, Basingstoke.\n\nMiss Amy Lord, Mr Nick Battersby, Mr Brendan Moran & Mr Francesco Di Fabio\n\nThis workshop is aimed at anyone who looks after patients with rectal cancer including surgeons, nurses, oncologists and gastroenterologists. Bowel dysfunction or LARS (low anterior resection syndrome) affects up to 80% of patients who have had surgery for rectal cancer but is often poorly discussed, understood and managed.\n\nThis workshop aims to improve understanding about what LARS is and the best options for investigation and management. With an expert faculty and case studies.\n\nFees are £75 \n\nWe have some sponsored places so please contact us to discuss if you feel you would benefit from attending but don't have funding available from your Trust.\n\n Time\n\n Topic\n\n Speaker\n\n 9.00-9.25\n\n Registration\n\n  \n\n  \n\n 9.25-9.30\n\n Welcome and Introduction\n\n  \n\n Daphne Robertson\n\n Session 1: Background, incidence, aetiology, communication                       Chairs: Julie Cornish and\n\n Nick Battersby\n\n 9.30 – 10.30\n\n Definition and aetiology Guidelines and modifiable factors Counselling patients: who, when and how? Nick Battersby\n\n Amy Lord\n\n Ellie Bradshaw\n\n 10.30-11.00\n\n Case studies with panel discussion\n\n  \n\n Francesco Di Fabio\n\n 11.00-11.30\n\n Break\n\n  \n\n  \n\n Session 2: Symptoms and investigation                                                                Chairs: Brendan Moran and\n\n Amy Lord\n\n 11.30-12.30\n\n Patient perspective Medical perspective Surgical perspective David Jillings\n\n Jervoise Andreyev\n\n Emma Carrington\n\n 12.30-13.00\n\n Case studies with panel discussion\n\n  \n\n Nick Battersby\n\n 13.00-14.00\n\n Lunch\n\n  \n\n  \n\n Session 3: Management and research                                                                    Chairs: Ellie Bradshaw and\n\n Francesco Di Fabio\n\n 14.00-15.00\n\n Physiotherapy and biofeedback Dietary modification Irrigation Sally Stevens\n\n Mel Feldman\n\n Ruth Bishop\n\n 15.00-15.30\n\n Break\n\n  \n\n  \n\n 15.30-16.15\n\n Sacral nerve neuromodulation POLARIS Trial and future research Tom Dudding\n\n Julie Cornish\n\n 16.15-16.45\n\n Panel Discussion\n\n  \n\n  \n\n 16.45-17.00\n\n Summary and close\n\n  \n\n Brendan Moran\n\n DTSTART:20250430T080000Z DTEND:20250430T160000Z LOCATION:The Ark Centre Dinwoodie Drive Basingstoke RG24 9NN END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR