Cancer Sub-Committee
Provision of cancer services as part of a mul'disciplinary team is a core ac'vity of most
colorectal surgeons and a cri'cal element of training. Competency in the management of
colorectal cancer is determined by easily measured indicators, and the Associa'on has a long
history of suppor'ng and promo'ng excellence in this field. The management of colorectal
cancer is increasing in complexity with more treatment op'ons and the poten'al for
personalising these for our pa'ents. It is vital that we offer this wider choice to pa'ents, be
this access to supra-radical surgery, organ preserva'on or ensuring equitable access to novel
therapies. The focus of this sub-commi;ee will be colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions,
but will also consider gastrointes'nal stromal tumours (GIST), neuroendocrine tumours (NET)
and precursor lesions and cancer of the anus.
Download the terms of reference
Committee Members
Coming soon