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Justin Davies

I have just returned home from a phenomenal 2024 Annual Meeting held for the first time at the International Conference Centre in Wales, under the Presidency of Jared Torkington. A huge thank you and congratulations go to Jared and Honorary Secretary Graham Branagan, Adele Sutton, Nicole Taub and the Integrity team for all their hard work on this project. The sense of unity, support and enthusiasm amongst colleagues was palpable- this is certainly a very exciting time to be working in the field of coloproctology. I was incredibly proud to take over as President in Newport, and to be (I think) the first Welsh President of ACPGBI!

Next year, we take the ACPGBI annual meeting back to Harrogate, which is a firm favourite with delegates. Our Programme Committee will look to deliver another innovative and exciting meeting for you. Book your study leave and accommodation early!! (30 June to 2 July 2025)

I write this message on the day that there is a change of UK Government, and significant clinical, operational and workforce challenges continue in the NHS, along with ongoing Industrial Action. Despite these challenging issues, we can all play our collective part in looking to address them as best as we can. Training, supporting and mentoring those with an interest in the pursuit of colorectal surgery as a career remains imperative, thus advancing the field of coloproctology to better care for our patients. 

This year we welcome two new subcommittees to the Association, namely Cancer and Guidelines. These increasingly important and complex areas of practice require expert input and knowledge, and this is clearly apparent in those successfully appointed. We are fortunate to have so many key opinion leaders within our subcommittee and Council positions, so please do apply for roles as they are announced.  We are stronger together! Please also encourage any colleagues who are not ACPGBI members to join, and let your Chapter Representatives and Executive members know what we could be doing better to be more inclusive and relevant to all involved in the care of our patients across the UK and Ireland. I hope the new system of future President-in-Waiting voting going out to the entire membership is one such positive example of this.

I hope to meet as many of you as possible over the coming 12 months - If not, I look forward to seeing you in Harrogate in the summer of 2025. 

Please contact me directly if there is any need or wish to do so.


Justin Davies
ACPGBI President (2024-2025)


Justin Davies, ACPGBI President