Time/Venue |
Session |
08:00 - 9.20
Main Auditorium
Colorectal Focus
Chairs: Nicola Eardley (Chester) and Athur Harikrishnan (Sheffield)
- Anal Fistula - Greg Thomas (London)
- Advanced Malignancy - Kirsten Boyle (Leicester)
- Intestinal Failure - Derek McWhirter (Manchester)
- Perioperative Care - James Hernon (Norwich)
- Large Bowel Obstruction - Jim Khan (Portsmouth)
Parallel 1 |
NBOCA QI Workshop
Chair: Nicola Fearnhead (Cambridge)
All day |
ACPGBI Endoscopy Village
Coffee break
Main Auditorium
Justin Davies, ACPGBI President
Main Auditorium |
BJS Prize Session
Chairs: Susan Moug (Glasgow) and Tom Pinkney (Birmingham)
6 best papers
Main Auditorium |
Short Papers
Main Auditorium
BJS Lecture
Chair: Martyn Evans (South Wales)
- Evolution in the tailored management of rectal cancer - Quentin Denost (Bordeaux, France)
Main Auditorium |
Chairs: Greg Thomas (East Anglia) and Jennie Grainger (Mersey)
- Management of non-obstetric perineal trauma - Kate Hancorn (London)
- Incontinence, pain and stenosis- how not to leave your patient in a worse position after proctological surgery - Ciaran Walsh (Wirral)
- Tips and Tricks for managing the unhealed perineum - Janindra Warasuvitarne (London)
Parallel Session |
ACPN: Frailty and Optimisation for Surgery
Chairs: TBA
- Edward Salts Lecture: Overview of Frailty and Assessing Surgery – Susan Moug (Scotland)
- Frailty in Cancer Care with a Focus on Community Services/Support – Mary Edwards, (Wessex)
- Let’s Talk About Sex: Open Conversations Post-Surgery – Tracey Privett (Oxford)
12:45 |
13:45 - 15:00
Main Auditorium
Abdominal Wall
Chairs Dominic Slade (Manchester) and Toby Hammond (Chelmsford)
- Mesh terminology - a primer - Akash Mehta (London)
- Mesh conundrums and clinical cases (interactive session) - Dominic Slade (Salford), Toby Hammond (Chelmsford), Arifa Siddika (London), David Layfield (Southampton), David Messenger (Bristol)
- “Just because you do robotic colorectal surgery it doesn’t mean you can repair abdominal walls” -
Oroog Ali (Gateshead)
13:45 - 15:00
Parallel Sesion
Dukes' Club
Chair Charlotte El Sayed (Coventry)
- Advanced colorectal cancer- training challenges and service delivery
Chairs- Ian Jenkins (London) and Ioanna Drami (London)
Panellist speakers TBC
- Emergency surgery in IBD-From Decision to Incision
Chairs Valerio Celentano (London) and Orestis Argyriou (London)
Panellist speakers - TBC
13:45 - 15:00
Parallel Sesion
Short Papers
15:00 - 15:30
Main Auditorium |
BRUK Lecture
Chair Asha Senapati (Portsmouth)
Emergency laparotomy- state of the art - Susan Moug (Glasgow)
15:00 - 15:30
Parallel Session
Short Papers
Coffee Break
16:00,- 17:30
Main Auditorium |
Robotics/Surgery 4.0
Chairs: Charles Evans (Coventry and Warwickshire) and TBC
17:30 - 18:10
Main Auditorium |
Quality Improvement in Colorectal Cancer
Chairs: Martyn Evans (Swansea) and Ian Jackson (PLG)
- The UK and Ireland Perspective - Nicola Fearnhead, NBOCA Clinical Co-Lead, QI in CRC (Cambridge)
- QI for CRC- the North American perspective - Lesly Dosset (Michigan, USA)
- QI for CRC- a national perspective from The Netherlands - Freek Daams (Amsterdam)
17:30 - 18:10
Main Auditorium |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Chairs: Valerio Celentano (London) and Farhat Din (Edinburgh)
- Listening to patients voices: the IBD Standards - Jess Turner, Crohn's and Colitis UK
- Ulcerative colitis and PSC - Steve Brown (Sheffield)
IBD Consultants Corner
- Abi Patel (Coventry) and Kat Baker (Oxford)
- Q&A
Main Auditorium |
Dukes' Club Lecture
Chair: Charlotte El-Sayed (Coventry)
- Training the future generation of robotic surgeons -Eloy Espin Besany (Barcelona, Past President ESCP)
19:00 |
End of Day 1
19:00 |
Exhibition Hall drinks reception |