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In a series of interviews, guest reporter Owen Haskins from Dendrite Clinical Systems, will be previewing this year’s ACPGBI annual meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 4-6. He talked to Maria Rakova (Chair of the Association of Coloproctology Nurses of ACPGBI) about their upcoming symposium.

“This year’s Symposium will be a comprehensive, educational day long forum for nurses and allied healthcare professionals with a specific interest in colorectal patient care,” began Maria. “The lectures are delivered by the experts in their field. It is important that we hear and learn from colleagues from different specialties within colorectal field, as we are just one part of a much greater healthcare field of professionals who help deliver care to our patients.”

Clinical Sessions

The symposium will begin with SALTS Lecture presented by Professor Christine Norton, talking about 'Anterior resection syndrome and what is new?' updating attendees about latest outcomes in field of anterior resection syndrome regarding use of tools in assessing and measuring treatment and outcomes. This year’s ACPN Feature Lecture  entitled, 'My experience in the development of a nursing specialty in Brazil: Stoma and Colorectal care', will be given by Associate Professor Vera Lúcia Conceiçãode Gouveia Santos from School of Nursing, University of Sao Paulo (EEUSP), Brazil. She was one of the first nurses to establish stoma care in Brazil and will describe the journey she embarked on when introducing this new field into the healthcare system. She will review the challenges, obstacles, changes in government policies and how she successfully implemented change, with the assistance of experts from the UK. This will be followed by the Clinical Session which will include presentations based on topics members have expressed an interest in. Maria Pettman will give us an overview of low GI two week wait vetting, and explore national differences and how different Trusts are using different ways to manage 2WW referrals patients. In addition, Wayne Croves will be talking about a new, exciting programme and his experience how to implement a remote colorectal cancer surveillance service. He will talk about NUhCLEUS (Nottingham University Hospital Colorectal Link End User System) Colorectal Nurse Experience: 'Implementing a Remote Colorectal Cancer Surveillance Service.'

“We will also be exploring what we need in terms of future care. Zarah Perry-Woodford will talk to us about the Pouch follow-up care algorithm as used in St Mark’s hospital. Dr Gabrielle Thorpe will assess how to measure patient outcomes in colorectal surgery and Bridget Collins will examine the role of biofeedback in treating anterior resection syndrome,” she added. “Managing female sexual difficulties after pelvic radiotherapy for ano-rectal malignancy is something that has received very little attention in the past - both in terms of research and practice - and we are delighted Dr Isabel White will present at the symposium on this important, but often ignored topic.”

The afternoon session will host the Schwartz Rounds. The session will start with introduction of the Schwartz Rounds followed by 'Live Schwartz Rounds', supported by the Point of Care Foundation. The session will be facilitated by  Alison Proudfoot (Swartz Rounds facilitator and mentor) and supported by Dr Sean Elyan Medical Director Consultant Oncologist at Gloucestershire NHS Hospital Foundation. Maria explained that this is a unique opportunity for staff from all disciplines to reflect on the emotional aspects of their work. Schwartz Rounds were introduced in the US and have been adopted by a number of Trusts in the UK as a way to help all those in healthcare - nurses, porters, secretaries etc - to manage the emotional burden and stress associated with patient care, and share their experience. The Schwartz Rounds will include an expert panel of four colleagues who will be representative of surgeons, nurses and allied healthcare professionals sharing their story.

“Schwartz Rounds provide a structured forum where all staff, clinical and non-clinical, come together regularly to discuss the emotional and social aspects of working in healthcare. Evidence shows that staff who attend Rounds feel less stressed and isolated, with increased insight and appreciation for each other’s roles.”

Following the Schwartz Rounds, there will be a number of nurses’ short paper presentations will include topics such as 'Erectile dysfunction after colorectal surgery', 'Later effects, quality of life after chemo-radiation  for the treatment of anal cancer', 'The benefits of nurse-led clinic in improving outcomes of patient with pelvic floor disorders' and 'Current evidence-base around postoperative ileus'. Some of these are Cinderella topics in the colorectal field and it will be very exciting to have the latest research discussed in Nurses’ forum.

“This year’s programme reflects our everyday practice and issues that impact upon the care of our patients,” said Maria. “For example, advising patients where and who to seek advice and help from – the knowledge of service provision is something that a holistic approach to patient care must incorporate. This not just about the everyday delivery of healthcare but how to manage services and practice, and to help our colleagues deliver evidence based care.”


In February this year, the Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Group (NAHPG) of the ACPGBI changed its name to the Association of Coloproctology Nurses of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPN of ACPGBI). “As the majority of our members are nurses we did not want to dilute the name. Many of the allied healthcare professionals who work alongside us in the organisation also have their own bodies. In our strategy meeting in Oxford in October 2015 with help of our allied healthcare professionals we agreed that  the new name – ACPN – is more reflective of who we are. The name change also demonstrates our commitment to education, verification and we have begun working with postgraduate and academic institutions to provide educational courses for nurses and clinical research. Any allied healthcare professional is, of course, welcome to join our inclusive organisation.”

Resource Development Day Workshop

On September 16th 2016, the ACPN will be hosting a ‘Resource Development Day Workshop’ at the SALTS Healthcare Education Centre in Birmingham. The aim of the workshop is to identify key areas of nursing clinical practice in coloproctology for which there is currently insufficient guidance and to provide an opportunity to be involved in developing valuable, evidence-based, clinical resources in collaboration with nurses and allied health care professionals colleagues specialising in coloproctology across the UK.

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ACPGBI Annual Meeting Edinburgh 4-6 July 2016

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