Mr Tim Cook Patients menu Patient Liaison GroupI think I might have...Anal abscess and fistula Anal fissure Anorectal bleeding Bowel incontinence Colonic cancer (bowel cancer) Crohn’s disease Diverticular disease Haemorrhoids (piles) IBD or IBS Pruritus ani (itchy bottom) Rectal cancer Ulcerative colitis I am told I might need...A Stoma Anterior Resection Bowel Cancer Screening Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Lateral Anal Sphincterotomy Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoids (PPH) Right Hemicolectomy Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) Patient JourneyOur Mental HealthSex After SurgeryNational Bowel Cancer AuditPatients and ResearchNurse and Doctor GradesGlossaryFind a SurgeonOther Sources of Help Qualifications: FRCS Eng (1993), DM (2000), FRCS (Gen Surg) (2000), BM BCh (1989)GMC Number: 3323401Clinical Areas of Interest: Bowel cancer and IBD and other colitidesRegional Chapter: South Western