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To ensure your experience (and CV) is as well-rounded as possible an element of ‘management experience’ is required. This may be achieved in several ways…

  • Previous management experience counts! Did you work prior to starting medical school? Have you managed people and resources before? Did you organize a medical school society or sports team?
  • Get in touch with your medical school’s surgical society, organize an event for students, shadowing, mentoring, practical skills.
  • Think about applying for a regional or national role, ASiT have a medical student representative on their council, as do many of the organisations listed here. These posts give a valuable insight into issues surrounding surgical training.
  • Organising group teaching sessions in clinical attachments. If you think there is something extra you would like to be taught in more detail get a group together and ask an approachable registrar or consultant.
  • Helping with rota organisation, if there are issues with the way your teaching is run talk to those organizing the rota, your suggestions for a new way of doing things may be well received, you can work to help deliver the change.
  • Shadow a manager: talk to your local colorectal surgery service lead, clinical director, medical director or trust board member (all names will be available on the local intranet). Ask to spend a day with them, see what the medical management aspect of their job involves.
  • Trust board meetings, these meeting usually have a public section for any interested parties to attend and a closed section for the board members only. These meetings can give a much boarder view of issues, both positive and negative, that the trust is dealing with.
  • Think about the things that frustrate and annoy you in the day-to-day work of the F1 doctors. How can things be improved? How can jobs get done more efficiently, more quickly? How can communication be improved? All trusts have a Service Improvement team, get in touch them and see whether there are any projects you can help with, see whether your problems have been brought up by others too, help suggest, develop and test ways to improve the service you deliver. See the websites below for suggestions: