Qualifications: CCT, GMC (2016), FRCS, Edinburgh (2015), BMedsci, Nottingham Univerity (2001), BMBS, Nottingham University (2003), PhD, Birmingham University (2013), MRCS, Ediburgh (2006)
GMC Number: 6075782
Clinical Areas of Interest: Bowel cancer, Colorectal resection, Early rectal cancer, Minimally invasive procedures and Research and audit
Regional Chapter: West Midlands
After graduating from Nottingham Medical School in 2003, he completed his house officer training in Nottingham and Hull. He undertook his basic surgical training at New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton before taking up a senior SHO post at University Hospital of North Staffordshire. He completed his higher surgical training in the West Midlands, having rotated to Russell's Hall Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Worcester Royal Infirmary, University Hospital of North Staffordshire and University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire. He was awarded the prestigious Medical Research Council Clinician Scientist Training Fellowship for his research work in risk stratification of early rectal cancer using molecular biomarkers. This work led him to being awarded a PhD by the University of Birmingham. He was also awarded a travelling bursary by ASIT to visit Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in Santander to learn about robotic rectal cancer surgery and transanal TME surgery. He became a Post-CCT fellow in early rectal cancer/TEMS at Good Hope Hospital before taking up a consultant post at the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire.