CReaTE Roadshow - 7 June 2018
18 June 2018
CReaTE roadshows are a joint venture supported by the ACPGBI Research Committee and Chapter Leads, the RCS Surgical Trials Initiative and key stakeholders including NIHR clinical networks, charity organisations including BDRF and industry. The roadshows aim to promote current research studies throughout UK and Ireland by helping to break down barriers to participation in surgical research.

On Thursday the 7 June the Colorectal Research and Trials Engagement “CReaTE” roadshow packed its bags and came to Edinburgh for its second iteration to showcase the national research agenda for the ACPGBI.
The blueprint set out for
Warrington worked exceptionally well again with the ALLEGRO trials Chief Investigator Hugh Paterson having his trial deconstructed by Susan Moug in “research unplugged”. The informal and interactive showcasing of national trials continued with Steve Brown chairing the session on research under the spotlight with Jim Hill (CREST 2), Amanda Gunning (CIPHER), Tom Pinkney (SUNNRISE) and Angus Watson (SCOT CAP).

The meeting was well attended with over 80 delegates with representation from all aspects of the extended research team. Bob Arnott was in attendance from the ACPGBI patient liaison group and shared his perspective on postoperative ileus, the ALLEGRO trial and the meeting:
“I thought it was an excellent meeting and a powerful exposition of both experience and expectation. Talking to one or two of the research nurses afterwards, they expressed to me their real appreciation of how the day went and how much they learned. We can only get better”.
Angie Balfour ALLEGRO Site manager Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit, emphasized that research was for anyone:
"It's really encouraging to hear about clinical trials being run by other healthcare professionals, especially the stoma nurses who are running the Cipher study. I hope this encourages other nursing teams to get more involved in clinical trials."

The meeting continued with the successful BDRF sponsored GRANULE session and Simon Bach promoting optimal ways to approach and recruit patients to Randomised trials, followed by a lively question time chaired by Miss Farhat Din and Mr Austin Acheson.
The day was a great success and feedback once more has been very positive. The philsosophy underpinning the day is best summed up by Bob Arnott:
“The CReATE Roadshow is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our research. For patients, every study or trial that we promote has their interests as their central feature and have been designed specifically to improve their quality of life. As a patient, I strongly advise all that can, to allow themselves to be recruited into these studies and to encourage other patients to do likewise”
If your region/chapter would be interested in hosting an event please contact
Simon Bach or
Austin Acheson
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