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1st October 2022 10.00 to 13.00

The Pelvic Radiation Disease Association has been working with leading UK experts in pelvic radiotherapy late effects to produce a world-first document.

The Best Practice Pathway will guide the management of Pelvic Radiation Disease (PRD) and support the development of better services and care pathways.

The document is aimed at any healthcare professional who cares for someone with, or at risk of developing, PRD and will give a greater voice to people living with PRD.

This launch event will introduce the document and includes talks on some key under-recognised problems such as leg and genital lymphoedema, and vascular, bone and endocrine issues.

For more information and to register for the event and be notified of the document going live, visit

“Late gastrointestinal toxicity from radiotherapy represents one of the greatest current unmet needs in gastroenterology in the UK. A lack of awareness and inaction amongst healthcare professionals and managers compounds this problem. It is absolutely incumbent upon us to work together and improve services and care for our patients.”

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