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Accreditation of "pouch" units

The number of "pouches" performed for UC and FAP has steadily declined in recent years. There is however evidence of the occasional "pouch" being performed by individuals nationally. ACPGBI Council now believes that this form of surgery should... Read more

10 Jan 2023

ACPGBI Guidelines Sub-Committee Taskforce

Expressions of Interest

ACPGBI seek expressions of interest to join a taskforce for the development of a guidelines subcommittee. This is a short term role with an anticipation that the new committee will be confirmed at the ACPGBI AGM in July 2023. Knowledge and /... Read more

3 Jan 2023

ACPGBI 2023 Annual Membership Renewals

Starting in January 2023, ACPGBI is pleased to provide members with the option to pay annual subscription feeS on a monthly basis instead of a lump sum at the beginning of the year. This means that if your annual subscription is £300 per annum... Read more

13 Dec 2022

2023 Advanced Coloproctology Course: 22-23 March 2023

Registration is open!

We are delighted to inform you that registration is OPEN for the 2022 Advanced Coloproctology Course on 22-23 March 2023. The course has been running successfully for almost 30 years and it will be the 3rd year of delivering the course in its... Read more

12 Dec 2022

NHS Digital and GIRFT (Getting it Right First Time)

ACPGBI have been asked by NHS Digital and GIRFT (Getting it Right First Time) to input into a revision of the colorectal procedure codes within OPCS (Operating Procedure Codes Supplement) 4.10. These are the codes that describe what we do as... Read more

15 Nov 2022