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Calling colorectal patients – a unique trustee opportunity

Have you experienced bowel disease or surgery? Do you want to make a difference for other patients? ACPGBI is seeking two people who have been recent patients to serve as trustees on our Trustee Board. The ACPGBI is a charity, and is composed of... Read more

15 Jan 2018

ACPGBI Travelling Fellow Report - Frank McDermott

We are delighted to publish an excellent report by Frank McDermott who was awarded an ACPGBI Travelling Fellowship in 2016.The report highlights visits to two international centres of excellence: the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm) and the... Read more

15 Jan 2018

NHS Pressures: Cancellations of elective surgery and outpatients appointments

Statement on behalf of the ACPGBI IBD/CAG subcommitteeMost patients with inflammatory bowel disease who require surgery will either undergo the procedure as an emergency or as a scheduled elective procedure.  For the latter there is undoubtedly a... Read more

10 Jan 2018

MediX: A new development for Surgeons

We surgeons tend to be asset rich but time poor.The majority of us buy our day to day household and general insurance policies on an individual basis and thus fail to take advantage of the considerable buying power inherent in the fact that there... Read more

21 Dec 2017

The Confederation of British Surgery

On November the 8th 2017, the Certification Office approved the application to add the “Confederation of British Surgery” (CBS) to the UK’s list of recognised trade unions. For the first time there will be an organisation, a trade union, recognised... Read more

21 Dec 2017