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Bullying and Undermining Campaign – Let’s Remove it

The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland supports the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh's campaign to remove bullying and undermining from the workplace.ACPGBI agrees that training is best delivered by Deaneries and local... Read more

12 Sep 2017

ESCP International Trials Map

The European Society of Coloproctology has launched an interactive online Trials Map, where medical and surgical trials from across the world will be hosted and available to practitioners. The Trials Map is aimed at encouraging participation in... Read more

6 Sep 2017

ACPGBI Annual Meeting Prizes 2017

Congratulations to our two prize winners from ACPGBI 2017. As always, we are thankful to BJS and Colorectal Disease for their continued support. British Journal of Surgery Prize Paper Optimal treatment strategies for clinically suspicious lateral... Read more

4 Sep 2017

Applications are Invited for Patient Trustees for the ACPGBI Trustee Board

The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI), a registered charity, is seeking to appoint two patient trustees to their newly established Trustee Board. Patient Trustees will have a particular focus on the optimisation of... Read more

1 Sep 2017

Formal notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the passing of a special resolution

Notice to members with voting rights of the ACPGBI (ordinary members and overseas members).The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland is a registered charity and bound by The Companies Act 2006 being a Company Limited by... Read more

18 Aug 2017