- Have you ever wanted to write a paper, but have no idea where to begin?
- Have you ever considered starting a database, but think it is scary and confusing?
- Have you ever wanted to explore the academic side of medicine, but found yourself lost in the vast sea of knowledge available?
Then this is the right course for you!
The Portsmouth Colorectal team invites you to join us for the first edition of our online Surgical Research Teaching course. This online, weekly four-part event aims to give you a foundation in research through sharing our practical experience and knowledge, to make it easier for enthusiastic and ambitious clinicians without prior experience to start participating in research. Over these four weeks we will guide you through the basics of statistical knowledge, the principles and benefits of audits and Quality Improvement projects, the essentials of writing a manuscript and publishing a paper, and how to present and disseminate your research.
Attendance is free, but prior registration through our Eventbrite page is mandatory:
Register here
If you attend at least 3 out of 4 sessions, we will provide you with a certificate confirming your attendance. This course is aimed at any clinician with an interest in research, and we hope to see you all there!
What: Surgical Research Teaching course
When: 18:00 to 19:30 on
- 1 November
- 8 November
- 15 November
- 22 November 2023
Where: Digital platform (Zoom meeting)
Why: To gain a foundation and basic understanding of research
How to register:
Free registration through Eventbrite