Qualifications: F.R.C.R (1987), F.R.C.P (Edin) (1990), F.R.C.P.(London) (2000), F.F.R.C.S.I (Dublin) (1986), FICS (1996)
GMC Number: 2293365
Clinical Areas of Interest: Early rectal cancer
Regional Chapter: Mersey
1972- Qualified from Institute of Medicine -2 in Yangon, Myanmar
1979-MRCP(UK) Edinburgh
1983 -1988 MRC Clinical Scientist(Neutron trials project)
1988-1995 Chair MRC Neutron trials Colorectal sub group
1987-FRCR The Royal College of Radiologists
1989-2014 Clinical Oncologist Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
1990-FRCP(Edin) Edinburgh
1993- Introduce Papillon radiotherapy into UK for rectal cancer
2000-FRCP (London) The Royal College of Physicians London
20019- Specialist advisor NICE for rectal brachytherapy
2006-2009 Served on Council Association of Coloproctology
2006-2009 Faculty member the Royal College of Radiologists
2007-present Organizer & Faculty The Royal College of Radiologists brachytherapy course
2007 Awarded Cochrane Shanks Jalil travelling Professor (RCR )
2009-2012- Served on Council of Royal College of Radiologists
2010-present Director Clatterbridge Papillon annual course
2011- 2020 Past Chair GEC- ESTRO rectal and anal sub group & member of GEC ESTRO
2012- Honorary Professor (Gastroenterology) University of Liverpool
2013-2018 Past President of International Contact radiotherapy Network (ICONE)
2013 -present Lead Clinician (Papillon)
Since 1980-Published over 130 peer reviewed publications
Author of 8 chapters in Text books
Guest Editor of Clinical Oncology (Special Issue) Radiotherapy in early rectal cancer (2007) 19; 9:637-741
Guest Editor of Colorectal Disease (Special Supplement) on management of locally advanced rectal cancer (2010)12;2: 1 -45
Guest editor of Colorectal Disease (special Supplement)on SPECC (2019);21-1:1-65
Prof Arthur Sun Myint qualified in Yangon in 1972 and came over to the UK in 1977. He was appointed as the Clinical Scientist for MRC Neutron project and chaired the MRC Neutron colo-rectal sub group. He led the team from Clatterbridge to Lyon in 1992. He set up the first Papillon facility at Clatterbridge in 1993. He has treated over 2000 patients with Papillon contact radiotherapy over the past 21 years. This is the world largest cohort treated by Papillon. His main research interest is in treatment of early rectal cancer by contact radiotherapy using Papillon technique for elderly (who are not fit or keen on extirpative surgery) and some younger patients (who are averse to having a stoma) with early rectal cancer to avoid major extirpative surgery and stoma. Together with his mentor Prof Jean Pierre Gerard he is proposing an international multi centre trial OPERA to evaluate the role of contact radiotherapy boost for medium risk low rectal cancer following preoperative chemo-radiotherapy. This trial should help to establish the definitive role of contact radiotherapy in rectal cancer patients. If there is a residual cancer at the end of treatment , immediate salvage surgery can be offered without compromising their chance of cure. Prof Sun Myint was reappointed as specialist adviser for NICE for rectal brachytherapy in March 2019. Prof Sun Myint was appointed as a special adviser in Oncology to the Minister of Health in Myanmar on 28th July 2017.
Prof Sun Myint is the director for Clatterbridge Papillon Course which is held annually. Next course will be held on 26-27 March & 24-25 September 2025.