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Results in 'Presentations, Videos & Papers' and 'Rectal Cancer'
5 November 2015
Presentations, Videos & Papers
Attempts to identify a subgroup at increased risk of venous thromboembolism. Hamish Clouston's short paper presentation at Tripartite 2014
7 August 2015
Presentations, Videos & Papers
Aims to determine frequency of incisional hernia formation after laparoscopic and open colorectal cancer surgery. Ami Mishra's short paper presentation at Tripartite 2014
7 August 2015
Presentations, Videos & Papers
Jennifer Smith's short paper presentation at Tripartite 2014
7 August 2015
Presentations, Videos & Papers
Aims to determine the individual, unique and relative contributions or effect-size of known patient-, tumour and treatment-based variables to oncologic prognosis. Daniel Léonard 's short paper presentation at Tripartite 2014
7 August 2015
Presentations, Videos & Papers
Aims to identify the risk factors in non reversal surgery. Angela Kuryba 's short paper presentation at Tripartite 2014
7 August 2015
Presentations, Videos & Papers
Aims to identify CRC reliably through analysing urine samples of patients by using FAims (field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometer). Abhilasha Patel 's short paper presentation at Tripartite 2014