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ACPGBI Guidance on Management of Patients with IBD requiring Surgical Intervention during COVID-19

Patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease may be more susceptible to infection either due to the underlying disease or the immunosuppressive medications needed for disease control.ACPGBI Guidance on Management of Patients with IBD... Read more

15 Apr 2020

Joint ACPGBI, BSG and BSGAR considerations for adapting the rapid access colorectal cancer pathway during COVID-19 pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid access two week wait colorectal cancer referrals will continue. Changes to our usual methods of managing these patients will have to be made because:  Only therapeutic emergency endoscopy is being carried out... Read more

11 Apr 2020

PPE in operating theatres for General Surgery during COVID-19 Pandemic

To all Medical DirectorsThe most frequently asked question this week has been about appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in the operating theatre, and several members have been in touch saying that they are not receiving the level of PPE... Read more

11 Apr 2020

ACPGBI Priorities during COVID-19 Pandemic

Hope you are all safe. Know many of you have been ill and hopefully are recovering. Also that all are facing pressures at work in looking after patients and at home in keeping families safe.ACPGBI-priorities-during-COVID Our ACPGBI priorities in... Read more

11 Apr 2020

COPE study: COVID-19 in Older People

McCarthy, Verduri, Braude, Moug, Carter, Vilches-Morago, Myint, Hewitt & Phyo Myint, Kathryn McKarthy and Jonathan Hewitt of Older Persons Surgical Outcomes Collaborative (OPSOC)COPE (COVID-19 in Older PEople) is a multi-centred international... Read more

10 Apr 2020