Find a Surgeon Patients menu Patient Liaison GroupI think I might have...Anal abscess and fistula Anal fissure Anorectal bleeding Bowel incontinence Colonic cancer (bowel cancer) Crohn’s disease Diverticular disease Haemorrhoids (piles) IBD or IBS Pruritus ani (itchy bottom) Rectal cancer Ulcerative colitis I am told I might need...A Stoma Anterior Resection Bowel Cancer Screening Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Lateral Anal Sphincterotomy Procedure for Prolapse and Haemorrhoids (PPH) Right Hemicolectomy Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) Patient JourneyOur Mental HealthSex After SurgeryNational Bowel Cancer AuditPatients and ResearchNurse and Doctor GradesGlossaryFind a SurgeonOther Sources of Help Search our database to find a colorectal surgeon or allied health professional in your area. Use the search tool below to filter the results. Find a Surgeon More Filters Regions East Anglia International Mersey North East Thames North Wales North West Thames North Western Northern Northern Ireland Oxford Republic of Ireland Scotland South East Thames South Wales South West Thames South Western Trent Wessex West Midlands Yorkshire Specialisms Abscess, fistula and fissures Advanced colorectal malignancy Anal cancer Anorectal physiological tests Anterior resection syndrome Benign tumours and polyps Biomarkers Bowel cancer Chemotherapy Colorectal resection Complications Cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC Diverticular disease Early rectal cancer Emergency general surgery Functional disorders Genetics IBD and other colitides Imaging Intestinal failure Lower GI endoscopy Medico-legal Minimally invasive procedures New technology Nutrition Obstructed defection Outcomes and quality of life Patient voice Perianal conditions Reconstructive surgery Rectal bleeding Research and audit Sacral nerve stimulation Service provision and quality of care Stomas Women in surgery All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Ó P Q R S T U V W Y Z Showing 1-20 of 37 Surname Forename(s) Regional Chapter Ian Daniels Ian South Western Farooq Dar Farooq Yorkshire Jamshid Darabnia Jamshid Scotland Amir Darakhshan Amir South East Thames Dragomir Dardanov Dragomir International Parthasarathi Das Parthasarathi East Anglia Brooke Davies Brooke Mersey Emma Davies Emma North Western Justin Davies Justin East Anglia Leigh Davies Leigh South Wales Mark Davies Mark South Wales Michael Davies Michael South Wales Charlotte Dawson Charlotte North West Thames Andrew Day Andrew South West Thames Hasini Dayaratne Hasini East Anglia Javier de Oca Javier International David DeFriend David South Western Raymond J Delicata Raymond J South Wales Christina Delimpalta Christina Scotland Semra Demirli Atici Semra - First12Last